Dependence on Our Devices  

It’s fascinating that God promised to send us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Holy Spirit resides in the only part of us where He can—a completely renewed, reborn spirit. The Bible reminds us that light has no fellowship with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). In Ephesians 1:13, we’re told we’ve been sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee, emphasizing His presence within our renewed spirit—a perfect, incorruptible part of us that is born of God.

This truth aligns with Jesus’ words in John 4:24, where He declares that true worshippers will worship God in spirit and truth. Our reborn spirit, untouched by sin and corruption (Psalm 51:5), is the only part of us capable of hosting God’s Spirit. It is here, in this sanctified temple, that He dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Now, let me ask you this: What’s the one thing you make sure to never leave home without? If I asked for a show of hands, you’d all know what I’m talking about—your cell phone.  

A Modern Comparison  

There’s no denying it—everyone here owns a cell phone. If you had a question about anything, even topics you’ve never studied, you could pull out your phone and Google it. That tiny device can deliver an answer instantly. Whether the information is entirely accurate or not, you’d have something to work with—an initial AI blurb or links to explore further.  

Most people, however, settle for the first blurb. They won’t dig deeper. Still, that device is always with you, always in your possession. You’re aware of its presence, its usefulness, and its ability to provide help. You turn to it for validation, encouragement, wisdom, and even approval—whether through social media or otherwise.  

But here’s the thing: All these things you seek from your phone—validation, wisdom, guidance, and connection—are what God intended for us to seek from His kingdom, by way of His Holy Spirit.  

The Holy Spirit vs. Devices  

I know some of you might feel uneasy when I compare the Holy Spirit dwelling in us to our relationship with a cell phone. That said—it paints a picture that you can comprehend. Let me be clear—I’m not telling you to throw your phone away. My goal is to highlight the contrast between the priceless gift of the Holy Spirit and the temporary, often divisive distractions of our devices.  

God gave us His Spirit to connect us to His kingdom, His purposes, and His wisdom. Yet, too often, we allow our devices to guide, validate, and lead us instead. These tools were never meant to take the place of the Spirit in the lives of God’s sons and daughters.  

The Bible says that the Spirit of God gives us access to the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:11). He dwells in the temple of our reborn spirit, and as we renew our soul—our thoughts, emotions, and will—He gains more “real estate” within us. When our reborn spirit works in tandem with our renewed mind (its our responsibility to renew our minds not God’s, Romans 12:2), the Spirit directs our actions, words, and choices. In this we willfully cooperate and collaborate with the Kingdom!

This is how we begin to manifest God’s glory—allowing His light that was placed on the inside of us to shine outward, this becomes an illuminating to the world around us.  

Accessing the Mind of Christ  

Scripture tells us that we have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Jesus Himself said His will was to do the will of the Father, which is revealed through God’s Word. There’s no excuse for us to claim we can’t know God’s will—our reborn spirit already knows it, even if our unrenewed mind hasn’t caught up yet.  

Just as quickly as you could Google an answer to a question, you can access the truths of God in His Word. Matthew 13:11 reminds us that the mysteries of the kingdom have been given to us to understand. But understanding requires action.  

The Proof of God’s Promises  

2 Peter 1:3-4 tells us that God has given us everything we need through His precious promises. Yet, many people fail to see the evidence of His promises because they don’t act on His Word. James 1:22 warns us against being hearers of the Word without doing it—a fast track to deception.  

When we act on God’s Word, we see the proof. The Bible says that signs and wonders follow those who believe (Mark 16:17). Signs confirm God’s promises, and wonders reveal His power and majesty. When we live by faith and action, we experience the awe of God and see His truth manifested in our lives.  

And let’s be honest—God is far more amazing than any cell phone. The answers you find online may be factual, but they are not the eternal truth. Only the Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth (John 16:13).  

Final Thoughts  

The Holy Spirit is a gift, dwelling within us to guide, teach, and empower. He is the source of wisdom, validation, and truth that no device could ever replace. As we renew our minds and yield to His leading, we manifest His glory and demonstrate His kingdom to the world around us.  

So, while your phone might seem indispensable, remember: the Holy Spirit within you is far more valuable. Let Him be your ultimate guide, your source of truth, and the connection that truly matters.  

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